Words of wisdom from Insta-yogi @somewhat_rad, who delivers a healthy dose of realism alongside her asanas. Her focus is on living an integrated life; one with breadth and balance.
I am a ‘normal’ person.
I am not a full time yogi or a former dancer getting back in form.
I never did sports growing up, forget about strength or flexibility work, and I am now (almost) 31 years old. I have a job (a big one which I really enjoy, most of the time!), I have a husband who I adore and whose happiness and success I want to nurture, and a house and two cats to look after, and and and…
If there is one thing I want to show with my Instagram account it’s that I have found so much by integrating yoga into my life.
I’ll say that again: integrating yoga into my life.
Not by changing my whole life and becoming a full time yogi or a vegan or an Instagram star or whatever. I couldn’t respect people that do those things more, but for most of us, those choices will never be ones we can, or even want, to make.
Yoga means I am fitter and stronger and more bendy than I have ever been. But more than that it means I am happier, and calmer, and more aware of who I am. I have more fun with my husband, and do more exciting things with my friends, and approach my career with more focus and strategic thinking than ever before.
“You can do this yoga thing alongside all the other important things in your life – there is real power in living with balance and breadth!”
So that’s what I would love love love you to take away from being involved in my yoga life via social media – that you can do this yoga thing alongside all the other important things in your life – there is real power in living with balance and breadth!
Don’t feel like you are less because you aren’t dedicated to one singular thing.
If yoga is your passion then great. But you are not less of a yogi if you have passion or caring or a need to do other things too.
Maybe you will experience yoga amplifying all those other important things in the same way I have, maybe you’ll just use it to help a sore back or to calm a busy mind, or maybe you’ll quit your job a be a full time yoga teacher.
That’s all ok. Just keep practicing.