When I set up this platform, A Peace of Me, back in 2016, I was still very much in the midst of what I now ‘fondly’ refer to as Burnout 2.0. At the time, I was trying to write through my suffering, but due to the very nature of the beast found it difficult to sustain this, energy-wise. Despite being just two years ago, there was still very much a stigma around anxiety and overwhelm, so I found it hard to truly open up.
Additionally, I wanted this platform to be all-encompassing, to share every slither of information I’d gleaned during the healing process — from nutrition to crystal healing to moon cycle energy to mediation and beyond. And somewhat ironically, I overwhelmed myself. I wanted this platform to be all things, to all people. An impossible task.
And now, with hindsight, I can reflect and see that in 2016, I was very much still unwell. In 2017, I (re)started the healing process. But I was still presenting with symptoms of hormonal imbalance and adrenal burnout like hair loss and chronic fatigue. It was probably still too soon to do anything with real meaning. Or to provide useful advice on things that actually worked for me.
It’s only now, that I’ve got a little distance between it all and the good days are more frequent than the bad that I can see things more objectively. When I think about why I started A Peace of Me in the first place, the key word was: BALANCE. That’s what I want to get back to:
When everyone wants a piece of you, how do you find the peace within you?
And so, I want to take a moment to re-establish what it is I’m doing here. The more IRL conversations I have, sharing my story, the more I realise people want to hear it. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do: focus on that.
- Sharing more of the triggers and symptoms I experienced.
- Talking through the things I tried that worked for me. Though I’m not a trained health professional, I recall spending hours endlessly searching the internet for someone going through the same as me. I know this will be helpful.
- Talking to inspirational people about their stories. I’m fascinated especially by successful people who (seemingly) manage to balance their career and home-life. How do they do it? What sacrifices have they had to make? Can you really have it all (at the same time)? I want to find out.
- And the whole theme running through everything will be that of BALANCE.
I’ve gone heavy on the rainbow-theme in this blog post because I’m starting to feel like I’m coming out of the darkness, shining a little brighter for it. As the great Dolly Parton once sang:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain; but there can’t be a rainbow without a little rain.